The Legal Aid and Counselling Clinic (LACC) is a service delivered through the Grenada Community Development Agency (GRENCODA) and has been in existence since 1987. LACC is a multidisciplinary Clinic, which offers a wide range of services, including legal representation; public education; advocacy; legal research and counselling.
Project Summary
This second project will move beyond psychosocial services provided in the initial funding provided by the Trust and will focus on other interventions to also benefit people in the community and complement the work of the Organisation that is being conducted. This project links with their mandate to create greater public awareness on Gender Based Violence and sensitise communities, which is seen as a preventative component whilst also sharpening the opportunities for effective strengthening of the agency’s advocacy for social justice. The psycho-educational work will continue and be extended to cover a child support mediation programme and a substance abuse programme for the youth.